Egyptian nationality law

The Egyptian Nationality Law is based on a mixture the principles of Jus sanguinis and Jus soli with some alterations. In other words both place of birth and Egyptian parentage are relevant for determining whether a person is an Egyptian citizen.


Acquisition of the Citizenship

Considered Egyptians

The following are deemed Egyptian Nationals:

Birth in Egypt

The following are deemed Egyptian Nationals:

Birth to an Egyptian Parent

The following are deemed Egyptian Nationals:

“Egyptian origin” means for the requirements of this law any Egyptian in whose case the absence of the residence element required in respect of him, his father or husband, or inability to establish such a residence support has forestalled recognition for him of the Egyptian nationality, if one of his ancestors or the ancestors of the husband was born in Egypt.

By Marriage

Wives of Egyptian citizens (but not husbands of Egyptian citizens) can apply for citizenship (with the consent of the Egyptian husband) and acquire the citizenship after two years provided that the marriage is not terminated, except in case of the husband’s death.

However the ministry of interior may issue a justified decree depriving the wife from acquiring the Egyptian nationality, before the lapse of the two years stipulated herein, but such rejection can be disputed at court.


A person may be naturalised as an Egyptian citizen after at least 10 consecutive years of residence in Egypt.
Normally a person must be aged 21 or over in order to become a naturalized Egyptian citizen. Children aged under 21 normally obtain Egyptian citizenship automatically at the same time a responsible parent is naturalised.

All applicants must also meet the following criteria:

A non-Egyptian who has acquired the Egyptian nationality shall not be entitled to exercising political rights before the lapse of 5 years from the date he acquires the nationality. He may not be elected or appointed a member of any parliamentary body before the lapse of 10 years from the said date.
However, by Presidential decree, he may be exempted from the first restriction, or both restrictions combined. The Minister of Interior, may exempt by decree, those who have joined the Egyptian Armed Forces and fought in their ranks, from the first restriction or both restrictions combined.
The Egyptian Nationality may be granted by Presidential decree. without being bound by the restrictions set out under the law, to any foreigner who renders honorable services to Egypt, as well as to the heads of the Egyptian religious sects.

Loss of Egyptian Citizenship

Citizenship Forfeit

An Egyptian National may voluntarily forfeit his/her citizenship by acquiring a foreign nationality except after obtaining a permission therefore, to be issued by decree of the Minister of Interior. In this case, the Egyptian shall forfeit the Egyptian nationality, if he/she has been permitted to obtain the foreign nationality.

Citizenship Withdrawal

Resumption of Egyptian citizenship

The Egyptian nationality may be restituted by a decree of the Minister of Interior, to a person from whom it has been withdrawn or who has forfeited it, after the lapse of 5 years from withdrawing or forfeiting it. Restoring the Egyptian nationality may also take place by a Presidential decree. The Decree withdrawing or forfeiting the Egyptian nationality may also be waived by a decree of the Minister of Interior, if such a withdrawal or forfeiture decree has been based on fraud or mistake. The Egyptian nationality may also be restituted by decree of the Minister of Interior to a person having forfeited it by the obtention of a foreign nationality, after granting him a permission to that effect.

Dual Citizenship

Under Egyptian Law, acquiring another citizenship is acceptable. The Egyptian law requires that those who apply for another nationality inform appropriate Egyptian officials.

However, holders of a dual-citizenship are exempt from military service and prohibited from enrolling in military and police academies or being elected to Parliament.

This contrasts with some Asian countries such as India, mainland China, Japan and South Korea. Egyptian nationals with at least one parent born in Japan will have to choose, by the age of 22, whether to keep their Japanese or Egyptian nationality. India and mainland China do not permit their nationals to hold foreign nationality. South Korea requires its adult nationals, including those with Egyptian nationality, to declare, by their early-20s, whether they want to keep their foreign or South Korean nationality.

Recent Amendments

In 2004, Article 1 of the law has been amended to include the right of citizenship to those born to either Egyptian fathers or mothers in contrast to an earlier version excluding this right to children born to Egyptian fathers alone.[1] [2] Such amendment realized the principle of equality between those who were born to an Egyptian father and an Egyptian mother to enjoy the Egyptian nationality with no restrictions. It copes with the modern trends of the nationality laws that codifies the right of the mother to give her nationality to her children, and codifies the conditions of the children of an Egyptian national mother and a non-Egyptian national father, and the legislative provisions in the necessity of granting the Egyptian nationality upon their birth from an Egyptian mother with no regard to the nationality of their non-Egyptian father, to be similar to those who were born to an Egyptian national father and a non-Egyptian national mother.[3] [4]
